Three partners speaking at Human Rights & Labour Law conference
Peter McLellan, QC, Stephen Penney and Rebecca Saturley will be participating in the upcoming Lancaster House Human Rights and Labour Law conference in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Halifax partner Lisa Gallivan is on the conference advisory committee.
In a pre-conference workshop, beginning at 9:00 a.m. AST Tuesday, May 12, Halifax partner Peter McLellan, QC, will be co-presenting the session, Mastering Mediation and Interest Arbitration: Preparing and presenting a persuasive case. This advanced workshop will provide strategic guidance on how to choose the arbitrator, draft the briefs and present the case, how to achieve successful outcomes in mediation and interest arbitration, as well as how to avoid some common downfalls.
St. John’s partner Stephen Penney will be on the panel, Taking Stock: Assessing the impact of recent major caselaw and legislation, Wednesday, May 13 starting at 10:45 a.m. AST. In this session, Stephen will discuss how important court and tribunal decisions of the past year will change and affect decision making and how best to adapt to such legislative and regulatory changes.
Rebecca Saturley, Halifax partner, will be a panelist of the Thursday, May 14 9:00 a.m. AST session, Blurred Boundaries: Where do management rights end and privacy rights begin? During this time, the latest caselaw on the exercise of management rights will be outlined and real-life scenarios will be provided to allow discussions on the implications of these recent decisions.