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The Best Lawyers™ in Canada lists 81 Firm lawyers as leaders in more than 40 practice areas

In the latest edition of The Best Lawyers™ in Canada, 81 lawyers from Stewart McKelvey are listed as leaders in 43 different practice areas. Fifteen of these individuals have also been recognized as a Best Lawyers™ 2025 “Lawyer of the Year”, which is given to those in each practice and metropolitan area with the highest overall peer feedback. We are also pleased to announce that 22 of our lawyers have been listed as Best Lawyers™ 2025 “Ones to Watch”, which is given to lawyers who are earlier in their careers for outstanding professional excellence.

Best Lawyers is the oldest and most respected peer-review publication in the legal profession. Inclusion in Best Lawyers™ is based entirely on peer-review and allows leading lawyers to share their opinion about the professional abilities of their colleagues within the same geographical and legal practice area.

Allison McCarthy Ian Sutherland Paul Kiley
Allison Whelan, LL.M (Tax) J. Andrew Fraser, K.C. Paul Coxworthy
Andrew Burke J. Paul M. Harquail, ACIArb Paul Smith
Barbara E. Smith, K.C. James Travers, K.C. Perlene Morrison, K.C.
Bill Sheppard James F. LeMesurier, K.C. Rebecca Saturley, K.C.
Brian Johnston, K.C. James M. Dickson, K.C., P.Eng Rémy Boudreau
Brian Tabor, K.C. Janet Carpenter Richard Hirsch
Cathy Lahey, K.C. Janet Clark, CPHR Richard Niedermayer, K.C., TEP
Charles Reagh Jim Cruickshank Rick Dunlop
Christine Pound, ICD.D Jonathan Dale Robert Grant, K.C.
Clarence Bennett, K.C. Kim Walsh Robert G. MacKeigan, K.C.
Colin Piercey, K.C. Kimberly Bungay Rob Aske
Colleen Keyes Lawrence Stordy, K.C. Rory Rogers, K.C.
Colm St. Roch Seviour, K.C. Level Chan Rodney Zdebiak, K.C.
Conor O’Neil, P.Eng Luc J. Elsliger Ruth Trask
Cynthia Benson, K.C. Lydia Bugden, K.C. Sacha Morisset
D. Fraser MacFadyen Mark Bursey, TEP Sadira Jan
Daniela Bassan, K.C. Mark Tector Sarah M. Almon, TEP
Erin Best Mathieu Poirier, TEP Shelley A. Wood
Frederick McElman, CM, K.C. Matthew Newell Spencer Campbell, K.C.
G. Grant Machum, ICD.D Maureen Ryan, K.C. Stephen Penney
Gavin Stuttard Maurice Chiasson, K.C. Susan Norman
Geoffrey Connolly, K.C., FEC, P.Eng. Mick Ryan, K.C. Tauna Staniland, K.C., ICD.D
Geoffrey Machum, K.C., ICD.D. Murray L. Murphy, K.C., CPHR Timothy Matthews, K.C., TEP
Gerald McMackin, K.C. Nancy Rubin, K.C. Will Moreira K.C., FCIArb
Greg Moores Neal L.D. Leard
Hugh Cameron, K.C. Neil Jacobs, K.C.
Ian Bilek Paul Festeryga, K.C.


Best Lawyers™ 2025 “Lawyer of the Year”:

Brian Tabor, K.C., Halifax – Real Estate Law
Christine Pound, ICD.D, Halifax – Corporate Law
Colleen Keyes, Halifax – Leveraged Buyouts and Private Equity Law
Daniela Bassan, K.C., Halifax – Intellectual Property Law
Maureen Ryan, K.C., St. John’s – Natural Resources Law
Nancy Rubin, K.C., Halifax – Corporate and Commercial Litigation
Neal L.D. Leard, Saint John – Corporate Law
Neil Jacobs, K.C., St. John’s – Insolvency and Financial Restructuring Law
Paul Kiley, K.C., Charlottetown – Corporate Law
Paul Coxworthy, St. John’s – Health Care Law
Paul Smith, Saint John – Banking and Finance Law
Perlene Morrison, K.C., Charlottetown – Real Estate Law
Rebecca Saturley, K.C., Halifax – Labour and Employment Law
Rory Rogers, K.C., Halifax – Construction Law
Sadira Jan, Halifax – Banking and Finance Law

Best Lawyers™ 2025 “Ones to Watch”:

Adam Downie, Halifax – Construction Law
Andrew Sapiano, Charlottetown – Corporate Governance Practice
Annie Gray, Halifax – Labour and Employment Law
Brittany Trafford, Fredericton – Education Law
Christena McIsaac, CPA, CA, Halifax – Corporate Law, Trusts and Estates
Danielle Harding, Fredericton – Alternative Dispute Resolution
Dante Manna, Halifax – Employee Benefits Law, Labour and Employment Law
David Wedlake, Halifax – Banking and Finance Law
Emily Cyr, Fredericton – Corporate Law
Erin McSorley, Halifax – Insurance Law
Evan MacKnight, Fredericton – Labour and Employment Law
Graham Haynes, Saint John – Tax Law
Julie Young, Moncton – Professional Malpractice Law
Kevin Landry, Halifax – Cannabis Law
Killian McParland, Halifax – Employee Benefits Law
Michelle Chai, Halifax – Alternative Dispute Resolution, Insurance Law
Sarah Walsh, Halifax – Alternative Dispute Resolution, Construction Law
Sean Seviour, Charlottetown – Alternative Dispute Resolution
Simon McCormick, Halifax – Real Estate Law
Stephanie Stapleford, Fredericton – Tax Law
Tyler James, Halifax – Corporate Law



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