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Sacha Morisset


Suite 601, Blue Cross Centre
644 Main St.
Moncton, N.B.
E1C 1E2



Language(s) spoken: English, French

Bar Admission(s): New Brunswick, 2001

Legal Assistant(s): Chantal MacAusland

Providing legal services through a professional corporation.

Sacha’s practice is focused in the area of labour and employment law, as well as professional discipline matters, including acting as counsel for the Canadian Medical Protective Association and its members. Working with clients as diverse as manufacturers, universities/educational institutions, municipalities and the contact centre industry, Sacha has extensive experience in arbitration proceedings, human rights investigations and adjudications, wrongful dismissal litigation, employment policy development, negotiation and drafting of employment contracts, collective bargaining and labour disputes, including lawful strikes and illegal strikes. He also advises employers in respect of workers’ compensation issues and occupational health and safety. Sacha has acted as an investigator for employers, dealing with a wide variety of issues, such as workplace harassment, code of conduct violations and fraud.

Examples of his work include:

  • Acting for a university against a grievance to eliminate mandatory retirement.
  • Acting for a university in defending a grievance and a human rights complaint alleging racial and age discrimination in respect of hiring processes.
  • Acting for various employers in respect of the termination of employment of long service employees with drug and alcohol addictions.
  • Advising various employers during investigations of workplace fatalities.
  • Representing several employers on various charges, including charges relating to fatal injuries, under both federal and provincial occupational health and safety legislation.
  • Conducting investigations of workplace fraud, workplace harassment and other misconduct.
  • Acting for various employers in enforcing restrictive covenants.
  • Acting on behalf of employers against allegations of unfair labour practices and an application for certification by a trade union.
  • Acting as chief negotiator for various manufacturers in collective bargaining.

Education & Career


Universitė de Moncton, LL.B., 2000
Universitė de Moncton, B.Ps., 1997


Member, Canadian Bar Association
Board of Directors, Moncton Area Lawyers’ Association
Director, Canadian Association of Counsel to Employers
Member, Human Resources Association of New Brunswick
Member, Association des juristes d’expression française du Nouveau-Brunswick


Best Lawyers: Labour and Employment Law, 2016 – 2024
Benchmark Canada, local litigation star (General Commercial, Labour and Employment), 2017 – 2022
Benchmark Canada, future star (General Commercial, Labour and Employment) 2014 – 2016


Co-Presenter, “Best Practices in Internal Workplace Investigations”, New Brunswick In-House Counsel Professional Development Day

June 06, 2024

Canadian Bar Association New Brunswick branch Mid-Winter Meeting, “Topical issues in Labour Law: Absenteeism, Mental Illness, and Pre-Hearing Disclosure”

February 06, 2015

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