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St. John’s Partner Colm St. Roch Seviour, K.C., inducted as a Fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers

We are pleased to announce that Colm St. Roch Seviour, K.C., lawyer in our St. John’s office, has been inducted as a Fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers (ACTL) at its Annual Spring Meeting recently held in Phoenix, Arizona.

Colm practices in the areas of commercial, natural resources, environmental and products liability litigation. He has litigated at all levels of Court in the province, and in the Supreme Court of Canada. He has also appeared before a broad range of tribunals, including the Oil & Gas Committee constituted under the Atlantic Accord legislation, the provincial Mineral Rights Adjudication Board, the provincial Public Utilities Board, and private arbitration panels.

Colm is regularly recognized by Best Lawyers™ in several practice areas, and has also been awarded their Lawyer of the Year in multiple categories. A member of the Canadian Bar Association, Colm was named to the King’s Counsel in 2017.

The ACTL is composed of preeminent members of the trial bar from the United States and Canada, and is recognized as the leading trial lawyer organization in both countries. Fellowship is extended by invitation to experienced trial lawyers who have mastered the art of advocacy, and whose professional careers have been marked by the highest standards of ethical conduct, professionalism, civility and collegiality. Membership can never be more than 1% of the total lawyer population of any state or province, and is limited to only those trial lawyers who are unquestionably and eminently qualified, in addition to being regarded as the best in their state or province. Qualifications include high ethical and moral standards, as well as excellent character.

Congratulations Colm on this significant achievement!



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Richard Niedermayer, TEP, speaks on joint tenancies at Estate Planning conference

November 25, 2016

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Article by Greg Moores & Joe Thorne included in Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association Journal

November 25, 2016

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Candace Thomas featured on upcoming Women in Business Law panel

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Erin Best, St. John’s, quoted in Canadian Lawyer Legal Feeds Blog article on unusual copyright case

November 18, 2016

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Level Chan recognized as one of Lexpert’s Rising Stars

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Partner Sara Scott, P.Eng., appointed to Neptune Theatre board of directors

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Inaugural Stewart McKelvey Awards recognize three lawyers for their contributions to the fabric of the firm

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Nine firm partners listed as leaders in energy law in Globe & Mail’s Report on Business magazine

November 10, 2016

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