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Atlantic Insurance Counsel – Winter 2014

PEI Auto Accident Benefits – Behind the Times No More

Nicole McKenna and Janet Clark

Significant changes are coming to the standard automobile policy in Prince Edward Island (“PEI”), including increases to the accident benefits available under Section B and an increase to the so-called “cap” for minor personal injury.

In the fall 2013 sitting of the provincial legislature, the government introduced a bill that would make significant changes to PEI’s accident benefits, cap and definition of “minor personal injury”, with some of these changes being consistent with what has been done in Nova Scotia and others being consistent with prior changes in New Brunswick.

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Section D Denied: The Tucker Cases

Matthew N. Craig

In September 2012, the Supreme Court of Newfoundland and Labrador released two concurrent decisions related to a collision between a pedestrian on a crosswalk and an unknown vehicle. The first decision, Tucker v. Unknown Person, dismissed the plaintiff’s application to add his own automobile insurer as a defendant to the action. In the second decision, Tucker v. AXA Insurance, the Court dismissed Tucker’s direct action against his own automobile insurer for Section D policy benefits as the limitation period had expired.

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Trial by Jury when defending an Action by the Crown

Ian Breneman 

Most Canadian provinces have specific legislation dealing with procedural requirements that must be followed when bringing lawsuits against the Crown. In Nova Scotia, that legislation is the Proceedings Against the Crown Act (“PACA”). Exactly what constitutes a “proceeding against the Crown” is broad, and includes claims made by set-off or counterclaim. Even where the Crown initiates a lawsuit, PACA will apply if the defendant countersues or defends on the basis that it owes the Crown less due to a set-off (i.e. because the Crown owes the defendant something as well).

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The Jury Knows Best

Of late, juries in Nova Scotia have taken quite a beating. Over the past couple of years, courts have been more and more likely to strike jury notices on the basis that the issues are too complex for the average citizen. Despite the view that juries are simply not as equipped to handle complex legal claims as a judge, recent experience with a jury trial proved otherwise.

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The ABCs of Damage Apportionment

Sydney Blackmore

Oftentimes, litigation involves multiple tortfeasors. The apportionment of damages between multiple tortfeasors relies on the degree of fault attributable to each of the defendants.

This article will outline the necessary steps and considerations that arise during apportionment calculations.

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Doing Business in Atlantic Canada

May 26, 2014

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Doing Business in Atlantic Canada

May 26, 2014

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Client Update: Professional Partnerships Breathe Easier

May 22, 2014

This morning the Supreme Court of Canada released its much awaited decision in McCormick v. Fasken Martineau DuMoulin, holding that most legal (and other professional) partnerships are not subject to Human Rights obligations to partners,…

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Client Update: PEI Auto Insurance Reforms: Change is Coming

May 20, 2014

No really. We mean it this time. During the Spring 2014 sitting of the legislature, the PEI government passed legislation that will result in significant changes to the standard automobile policy, effective October 1, 2014. Most…

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Atlantic Employers’ Counsel – Spring 2014

May 8, 2014

The Editor’s Corner Clarence Bennett This edition focuses on employment and labour issues in Construction. From occupational health and safety legislation to what you need to know when the union organizer arrives at your workplace.…

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Client Update: Changes to the Canada Labour Code

March 28, 2014

Federally regulated employers should be aware of changes to the Canada Labour Code (“the Code“) effective April 1, 2014, namely subsections 219 and 223-231 of the Jobs and Growth Act, 2012, chapter 31 of the Statutes of Canada (also…

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Atlantic Insurance Counsel – Winter 2014

March 12, 2014

PEI Auto Accident Benefits – Behind the Times No More Nicole McKenna and Janet Clark Significant changes are coming to the standard automobile policy in Prince Edward Island (“PEI”), including increases to the accident benefits available under…

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Doing Business in Atlantic Canada (Spring 2014)(Canadian Lawyer magazine supplement)

March 3, 2014

 IN THIS ISSUE: 10 Things employers need to know about employing temporary foreign workers by Andrea Baldwin, Michelle McCann and Sean Kelly. Landlords’ protection from mechanic’ (builders’) liens by Hugh Cameron and Lara MacDougall. The new Canada not-for-profit Corporations Act by Alanna Waberski, Sarah Almon and Kimberly Bungay. Download…

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Client Update: Minor Injury Cap 2014

February 27, 2014

On January 31, 2014, The Office of the Superintendent of Insurance issued a bulletin in Nova Scotia. For 2014, the Minor Injury Cap for Nova Scotia is $8,213. This is a 1.4 per cent increase…

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Client Update: The New Building Canada Fund

February 26, 2014

In the Federal Budget 2011, the Government of Canada stated that it would develop a new plan to support public infrastructure beyond the expiry of the 2007 Building Canada Plan in 2013-14. The Government has…

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