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Atlantic Employers Counsel – Winter 2014

The Termination Meeting:

A time and a place for everything

The decision has been made, but the ship hasn’t yet sailed. Somebody has to deliver the bad news and as difficult as this might be, there are a couple of things employers will want to know about before going into the meeting. Here are some practical tips to reduce potential risk associated with the termination meeting.

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Tax Treatment: It’s all about


When an employee is terminated, the question often arises about the tax treatment of amounts paid to the employee. Structuring can allow employers to provide different benefits to the employee without increasing the overall cost to the employer. Possible strategies include characterization and timing.

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References, Reasons and Releases

After termination, these three words beginning with the letter “R” can raise serious issues for both the former employer and the departed employee. This article addresses some of the issues involved with writing references, reasons and releases from a management perspective.

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Disability and Other Leaves of

Absence: Employee status at time

of termination

You’ve made the decision, but before you communicate it to the employee you receive a note from a doctor putting the employee off work for medical reasons. Or, the employee arrives at your door ecstatic because she’s pregnant and going on maternity leave. What happens when a leave of absence occurs before you say “so long” to the employee. Some general rules and tips from recent cases follow.

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Bonuses and Stock Options:

Contractual and otherwise

When assessing what type of termination package to offer an employee or what the employer’s liability for damages is, non–salary compensation can become an issue. Typically, this compensation may include stock options, stock grants and bonuses. If not resolved at termination (or shortly thereafter) a determination of “qualification” or “what it’s worth” can contribute to prolonged and protracted issues between parties. You can guess what that means. This article discusses what you need to know to provide a fair and reasonable termination package when it comes to non-salary compensation.

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Investigations, Documentation and

the Termination Letter

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again – cross your “t”s and dot your “i”s when it comes to workplace investigations and documentation. If you don’t, the matter may come back to bite you in a lawsuit. The following is a general overview of why a proper investigation and documentation of key items are so important.

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Client Update: Valentine’s Day @ the Workplace

February 14, 2013

Yellow diamonds in the light And we’re standing side by side As your shadow crosses mine What it takes to come alive It’s the way I’m feeling I just can’t deny But I’ve gotta let…

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Client Update: Nova Scotia Contaminated Site – Ministerial Protocols

January 11, 2013

INTRODUCTION On December 6, 2012, The Nova Scotia Department of Environment (NSE) released Draft Ministerial Protocols (the “Draft Protocols”) related to contaminated sites. The release of the Draft Protocols has been eagerly anticipated. The adoption…

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Client Update: Changes to the Rules of the Supreme Court

January 3, 2013

Recent changes to the Rules of the Supreme Court, 1986, SNL 1986, c 42, Sch D On December 14, 2012, several changes were made to the Rules of the Supreme Court. These changes include: who may act…

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Doing Business in Atlantic Canada (Winter 2012) (Canadian Lawyer magazine supplement)

January 1, 2013

IN THIS ISSUE: Putting Trust in your Estate Planning, by Paul Coxworthy and Michael McGonnell The Risks, for Insurers in Entering Administration Services Only (ASO) Contracts, by Tyana Caplan Angels in Atlantic Canada, by Allison McCarthy, Gavin Stuttard and Adam Bata…

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Client Update – Changes to the Human Rights Legislation in Newfoundland and Labrador

July 13, 2010

Bill 31, An Act Respecting Human Rights, came into force on June 24, 2010 replacing the Human Rights Code (the “Code”). For more information, please download a copy of this client update.

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Atlantic Business Counsel – December 2009

December 18, 2009

IN THIS ISSUE Expanded Fines and Penalties for Environmental Offences: The New Federal Environmental Enforcement Act Spam about to be Canned? Preparing a Business for Sale Business Disputes Corner – Place of Arbitration and Selected…

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Client Update – General Damage Cap Upheld By the Nova Scotia Court of Appeal

December 15, 2009

The Nova Scotia Court of Appeal has unanimously upheld the province’s legislative limits on general damage recovery for “minor injuries”. Today’s decision, authored by Chief Justice Michael MacDonald, completely affirms the January 2009 decision of…

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Client Update – New Planning Opportunities For ULCs

December 4, 2009

The Canada Revenue Agency (“CRA”) announced helpful administrative positions concerning the new rules under the Fifth Protocol to the Canada-US Income Tax Convention, 1980 which will come into effect on January 1, 2010. The CRA…

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Atlantic Construction Counsel – Fall 2009

November 26, 2009

IN THIS ISSUE Contractor Held Liable for Business Interruption: Heyes v. City of Vancouver, 2009 BCSC 651 When Can a Tendering Authority Walk Away if Bids are Too High? Crown Paving Ltd. v. Newfoundland &…

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Client Update – Nova Scotia Unlimited Companies: An Update

November 6, 2009

Withholding tax and other issues under the Fifth Protocol The Fifth Protocol to the Canada-US Tax Convention, 1980 introduced significant changes which may affect the use of most unlimited companies and other so-called ULCs. These…

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