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Lydia Bugden speaking at Women in Leadership conference

Nova Scotia regional managing partner Lydia Bugden will present a session at the Femmes de Carrière en Interaction – Career Women InteractionWomen in Leadership conference, Wednesday, April 15 in Halifax.

Beginning at 9:40 a.m., Lydia’s presentation, Designing and implementing new initiatives, will review how to plan and prepare for full initiative implementation and acceptance within a professional place of work. She will also discuss the importance of doing your research, knowing your audience and having a plan in place when designing and implementing new initiatives.



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Tracking legal progress with Kanban, as discussed by practice innovation partner Paul Saunders

September 27, 2016

In a recent blog post for LegalBizDev, Paul Saunders outlined how the management tool Kanban can be used in legal departments or firms to increase efficiency and decrease waste. Through charting the stages of each case by placing…

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Halifax partner Nancy Rubin, QC, sits down with CTV Atlantic to discuss the ramifications of posting intimate photos online

September 23, 2016

In a recent interview, partner Nancy Rubin, QC, spoke with CTV Atlantic anchor Bruce Frisko to discuss sharing intimate images, and what can be done when they become public. When asked what she thought of a recent…

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Practice innovation partner Paul Saunders speaks at upcoming conference on how to maximize client value through technological efficiency

September 20, 2016

During the Legaltech conference, September 21 – 22 in Toronto, Halifax lawyer Paul Saunders will present, Innovate your practice by adapting technologies and proven methodologies outside of legal. Beginning at 9:30 a.m., Wednesday, September 21, Paul will review how law…

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NOW! Nova Scotia article features Candace Thomas as she comments on diversity & inclusion at Stewart McKelvey

September 15, 2016

Halifax partner Candace Thomas was interviewed for the recent Chronicle Herald NOW! Nova Scotia article looking at increasing diversity within the legal profession. As co-chair of the Stewart McKelvey Diversity and Inclusion Committee, Candace is part of a firm…

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Paul Saunders interviews CEO & managing partner Lydia Bugden, as well as Law21’s Jordan Furlong, on what innovation in the law really means

September 12, 2016

In the latest issue of Canadian Lawyer InHouse, Paul Saunders, practice innovation partner, sat down with Stewart McKelvey CEO and managing partner Lydia Bugden and Law21 Principal Jordan Furlong, to discuss the current landscape of innovation in law firms.…

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Atlantic Business Magazine explores the life cycle of a small business with the help of Richard Niedermayer, TEP

September 9, 2016

In the September issue of Atlantic Business Magazine, Halifax partner Richard Niedermayer, TEP, spoke with author Sarah Sawler about what small business owners should expect when starting off. This piece outlines the main stages of a small…

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Practice innovation partner Paul Saunders discusses using Scrum as an agile approach to legal project management in Canadian Lawyer article

September 9, 2016

In the September issue of Canadian Lawyer, Paul Saunders looks at the project management tool Scrum, to help teams organize themselves and change the way meetings are conducted. This process acts as a framework to streamline these meetings, resulting…

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Miriam Zitner, director of Business Development and Client Service, joins judging panel for Atlantic Business Magazine’s national contest

August 26, 2016

Stewart McKelvey joins Atlantic Business Magazine to ‘Pay it forward‘ in a contest that calls on all Canadian advertising and marketing agencies to submit a creative, multichannel idea that would support a not-for-profit. The winning submission will…

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Article by research lawyer Jennifer Taylor published in Canadian Journal of Law and Technology

August 17, 2016

Jennifer Taylor has had an article published in the latest volume of the Canadian Journal of Law and Technology. Her piece, Minding the Gap: Why and How Nova Scotia Should Enact a New Cyber-safety Act, comments on the…

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Paul Saunders reviews how to apply the “Kanban” tool to managing legal projects in Canadian Lawyer article

August 16, 2016

In the latest issue of Canadian Lawyer, Practice Innovation Partner Paul Saunders, as well as Ed Burke, Jim Hassett and Michelle H. Stein of LegalBizDev, discuss the project management tool “Kanban”. This piece, which serves as part one…

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